Efforts to evacuate residents from the remote town of Borroloola in the NT hav been suspended due to worsening weather conditions as Cyclone Megan continues to bring heavy rainfall to the region.

With strong winds up yo 200kph preventing aircraft from landing safely a decision was taken to call a halt to the evacuation.

NT Chief Minister Eva Lawler has earlier hoped about 700 people would be evacuated from Borroloola by the Australian Defence Force.

But an NT Emergency Operations Centre spokeswoman told the ABC although the ADF aircraft had arrived in Borroloola, the worsening weather conditions meant they were grounded.

“We’re working with the local emergency management team to keep the community safe,” Ms Lawler said.

“There are enough buildings in Borroloola that are rated to withstand a category 3 cyclone to keep the community safe.

“These include the police station, the health centre and dozens of homes in the community.

“The ADF will land at Borroloola when safe to do so.”

The cyclone was expected to make land on Monday afternoon.


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