For NSW-based OurLore corporation it’s all about feeding their mob.

An indigenous charity that tackles the issues within their community.

Registered like so many as not-for-profit they don’t receive any grants, sponsorship or funding.

But they feed and support 120 families every week, at no cost, with hampers that include fruit, veggies, milk, pantry items, meals and much more.

“Our goal was to be a free service for mob to not be judged or stigmatised as this happens too much,” founder Meaghan told

“We supply material aid, have a community pantry at our local aboriginal pre school.

“We also support individuals or families needing guidance through the justice system, the homeless cycle and with domestic violence.

“Whatever we can help with we want to be here.”

The organisation is the only free services in their area, Southwest of Sydney, dharawal country.

The organisation works within the general community top promote Indigenous culture, recently at Warakirri College in Campbelltown, NSW.

“It was all about having a yarn to encourage students to stay with their studies, the bits had a go with a didgeridoo and the girls with weaving,” Meaghan said.

“It’s important that culture is passed on but also that students is this college know that they are worthy on education and can achieve goals in life.”

Check out Ourlore Corporation at

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