Aboriginal advocates have blasted the Victorian government over its response to an inquiry into the child protection and criminal justice systems.

The Yoorrook Justice Commission made 46 recommendations in an interim report published in September, after public hearings into the systems.

The Victorian government on Wednesday announced it has accepted four of the recommendations in full and 24 in principle.

Another 15 remain under consideration including standalone Indigenous justice and child protection systems, and a new independent police oversight body.

The commission wants the body to investigate all complaints about police and have the power to arrest, search property and compel information from Victoria Police.

Three recommendations have been rejected outright, including the urgent introduction of legislation to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 14 years without exceptions, and to prohibit the detention of children under 16 years.

Also knocked back was a call to change the Bail Act to create a presumption in favour of bail for all offences except murder, terrorism and the like.

Yoorrook chair Eleanor Bourke said commissioners were disappointed with the government’s rejection of the recommendations, and noted they expected progress on the 15 that remain under consideration.

“Recommendations regarding the Bail Act and the minimum age of criminal responsibility and detention are crucial given the alarming over-incarceration of First Peoples adults and children, and ongoing deaths in custody,” she said.

“These recommendations were not made lightly. They go to the heart of addressing ongoing injustice against First Peoples.”

Additional accountability hearings may be called later in 2024 to force government representatives to provide updates on recommendations and their implementation, Professor Bourke added.

The Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service said the government’s response was “unworthy” of the heart-wrenching truths told to the commission, and did not give the community confidence it would honour its treaty commitment.

“We have waited over 210 days for the Victorian government to respond to the Yoorrook for Justice Report and it reads like it was slapped together overnight,” its chief executive Nerita Waight said.

“It is so disappointing that the Victorian government did not take this more seriously and develop a more detailed response that supported in full all recommendations.”

Treaty and First Peoples Minister Natalie Hutchins thanked those who had participated in or appeared before the inquiry so far.

“Treaty and Truth, led by Aboriginal people, is the best way to deliver improved outcomes and close the gap,” she said.

Yoorrook is due to hand down its final report in 2025.


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