A leadership program aimed at empowering Indigenous women in Western Australia is offering a unique series of leadership workshops in the Pilbara to assist entrepreneurs, start-ups and women working in regional not-for-profit organisations.

The eight-week program run by Horizon, in partnership with First Nations X and Atomic Sky, want to help Close the Gap and give skills access to women in business who maybe isolated from metro business conversations.

Run by Kylah Morrison, who has many years experience in the field, the program offers workshops in the region, group mentoring sessions, group one-on-one sessions, networking opportunities and access to a portal of training and resources to help 22 attendees grow their personal skills and their businesses.

Each place on the program is valued at $8500, but thanks to funding support from a number of sources, there is no cost to the successful candidates.

“The eight-week program includes a two-day regional seminar in either Port Hedland or Newman as well as online sessions,” Ms Morrison told

“It’s a pilot program and if successful we hope to roll it out nationally.”

The course will assist women to develop their leadership and communication skills, understand branding, become more entrepreneurial in their thinking, as well as learning how to raise money to fund their ideas.

“It is also culturally safe,” Ms Morrison said.

“With expert training and networking offering two-way learning between trainers and participants.”

The program gets under way next month but applications are now being received until Friday September 20.

Applications are invited from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women.

Each course is limited in size to 22 to facilitate the value of the two-way learning process, so get your applications submitted.

Apply here:


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