Yabaardu festival beats wild weather with pub gig
Ceduna in South Australia hosted the third annual Yabaardu festival on the weekend – but the event was nearly cancelled as wild weather swept across the region.
150km/h winds caused havoc, power outages and fallen trees everywhere, but as they, the show must go on.
And the show certainly did – at the local pub, where ARIA-winning singer Dan Sultan performed before Barkaa brought the show to a perfect end.
“I don’t think I’ve seen the front bar of the pub that packed in years, so it was really great for community to come together in a space that was indoors and safe,” Yabaardu creator Letisha Ackland told the ABC.
Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation CEO Wayne Miller told the ABC Yabaardu’s mission was to help young people see opportunities in the arts.
“That’s the whole reason we started this festival, one to bring everyone together and enjoy the day, but two to showcase the opportunities for locals,” he said.
In recognition of her work with Yabaardu, Ms Ackland was recently recognised with 2024 NAIDOC SA person of the year award.